On the other side of the mirror.
For the urban, free, modern woman, out of step with the times, connected but also ironic, because social media is a great show and that all of us, with simplicity and irony, can express our uniqueness in the multitude.

High quality, eco-compatible and organic fabrics, but with modern, ironic, provocative prints, to allow each of us to express her thoughts, capturing the attention in a simple and clear way.

Modern T-Shirts: Each T-Shirt comes with an NFT which certifies its authenticity and value. These NFTs allow you to access special offers reserved for customers, in complete simplicity!
In addition, any purchased T-shirt can also be worn in the decentraland Metaverse.

In this great show of life, where the shown reflection of our being is so important, looking in the mirror, what if we passed on the other side of the mirror?
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